Challenges to secure land ownership and their implications to social cohesion in Nakuru County, Kenya
land conflicts, land ownership, social implications, social cohesionAbstract
Land ownership is a critical cause of land conflicts, which have deep social implications. These conflicts degenerate to violence, leading to deaths, displacements, dislocations, and mistrust among people, thereby adversely affecting social cohesion among individuals and communities. This study used a case study of Nakuru County, in Kenya to explore how historical land conflicts have evolved over time, their causes, and implication on social cohesion, given the ethnic diversity in the County. Nakuru county provided a rich ground for exploring the land conflict- social cohesion nexus given its past recurrent land-related conflicts and the heterogenic ethnic populations with differing land use behavior that set the stage for problematic competition for land resources. The study sought to identify and evaluate challenges to secure land ownership that drives land conflicts in Kenya and the implications they have on social cohesion. The study used a descriptive design to explain the underlined variables. Data collection tools were: questionnaires, interview schedules, Focused Group Discussions, and observations. The study recommended the involvement of communities in seeking solution to historical land injustices, sensitizing community members against negative ethnicity towards societal values of trust, respect for diversity and identities, tolerance as well as promoting equality and justice to enhance social cohesion.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Evanson Njiru Nyaga, George Mose, Anthony Ichuloi, Pia Okeche

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