Protesting corruption through online community engagement on social media in Kenya: A qualitative content analysis
citizen journalism, corruption, social media, social movements, #STOPTheseTHIEVESAbstract
Social media has changed how non-profits and social movements mobilize citizens and amplify their engagement in advocating for social justice and change through framing and dissemination of key messages. Buyer Beware, a non-profit organization in Kenya, has created a platform to inspire citizen journalism and engage the public to fight corruption using social media. This study analyzes how an anti-corruption campaign by Buyer Beware dubbed #STOPTheseTHIEVES has been used to mobilize Kenyans to speak up against corruption and spur action from law enforcement authorities to investigate suspects and apprehend those found culpable. Using qualitative content analysis, data from relevant tweets and Facebook posts were purposively selected and analyzed in order to identify the key messages. Additionally, video posts were also transcribed and analyzed and in-depth interviews conducted with select key informants. The findings reveal that twitter and Facebook are effective alternative tools for diffusion of information to mobilize and influence collective action. Besides, the study reaffirms the empowering role of citizen journalism and the growing relevance of social media as tool for raising voices against social ills albeit with the possible risk of unfair public image lynching. The study contributes to the practical understanding of how non-profits are increasingly using social media to strategically engage with their constituents and empower publics to carry forth their work.
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