Examining the methods and approaches used in teaching English Language to second language learners
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According to Adika (2012), the debate on the formulation and implementation of a language policy for Basic level education in Ghana spans three centuries: the educational ordinances passed in 1822 and 1887; the Phelps-Stokes report of the 1920s; the erratic policies characterising post-independence (1957) attempts, and the eventual promulgation of an English-medium slanted policy in 2002. Early Ghanaian nationalist intellectuals of the late 19th and early 20th centuries such as Reverend J. B. Anaman, Reverend G. R. Acquah, and Lawyer W. E.G. Kobina Sekyi were strong advocates of the use of Ghanaian languages at the basic levels of education, (Saah & Baku, 2011). From 1925 to 1951 (following the Phelps-Stokes report), a Ghanaian language was used as medium of instruction for the first three years. However, in the period 1951 to 1956, a Ghanaian language was used only for the first year.
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