The Impact of ICT on Teaching and Learning in Colleges of Education: The Dambai College of Education Issue

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Nelson Kudzo Soh


The frightening effect of the increasing spate of poor teaching and learning in recent times underscores management of tertiary institutions, tutors and students concern for the integration of ICT into Colleges of Education. The study specifically aimed at evaluating the benefit of various ICT tools used by Colleges of Education and examines the challenges Colleges of Education face in terms of implementing ICT in teaching and learning. Another objective is to determine the role of tutors, administrators and students in integrating ICT into Colleges of Education now tertiary institutions. The research was conducted on tutors, administrators and students of Dambai College of Education, Dambai and information was gathered through administration of structured questionnaires. Three null hypotheses were postulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. Results from the study indicated that there is a positively high impact of ICT on teaching and learning in tertiary institutions in the sense that, broadband is a major factor in increasing collaboration between teachers; Interactive whiteboards make a difference to aspects of classroom interaction. The findings also presented challenges, where students need to access computers in an easy way; recurrent technical problems; and the use of software applications require skills that have to be gotten. It was then recommended based on the findings of the study that, policy makers should include new competencies in the curricula and in assessment schemes, implement new forms of continuous professional development in a workplace environment and also motivate both tutors and students to use ICT.


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The Impact of ICT on Teaching and Learning in Colleges of Education: The Dambai College of Education Issue. (2020). Journal of Education, Curriculum and Teaching Studies, 1(1), 1-18.

How to Cite

The Impact of ICT on Teaching and Learning in Colleges of Education: The Dambai College of Education Issue. (2020). Journal of Education, Curriculum and Teaching Studies, 1(1), 1-18.


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