Assessment literacy of Indian educators at the tertiary-level: Insights on practices and perspectives

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S. Amrutha Varshini
T. Shrimathy Venkatalakshmi


The present study analyzes the assessment literacy levels of tertiary level educators in Tamil Nadu, India. And to this end, 40 teachers at the tertiary-level from rural, urban, and semi-urban areas were selected and an Assessment Literacy Inventory was administered to them. Additionally, to corroborate the questionnaire results, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 teachers (from the 40 who filled out the questionnaire). The results show that teachers believe that assessments help in the teaching-learning process. However, teachers don’t read articles and books related to assessment to develop their assessment literacy. The findings also highlight the fact that educational institutions do not conduct programs to enhance teachers’ assessment literacy levels.


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How to Cite
Varshini, S. A., & Venkatalakshmi, T. S. (2024). Assessment literacy of Indian educators at the tertiary-level: Insights on practices and perspectives. Research Journal in Advanced Humanities, 5(4).
Literature, Linguistics & Criticism

How to Cite

Varshini, S. A., & Venkatalakshmi, T. S. (2024). Assessment literacy of Indian educators at the tertiary-level: Insights on practices and perspectives. Research Journal in Advanced Humanities, 5(4).



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