Implementation strategy of Merdeka Belajar for elementary schools in Medan City: Realizing sustainable development goals for quality education
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Quality education is one of the main goals of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In Medan City, efforts to achieve this goal are implemented through the Merdeka Belajar program. This program was created to encourage innovation in education by allowing schools and teachers to develop more adaptable and relevant teaching methods. The methodology used in this study is qualitative; data were collected through in-depth interviews with principals, teachers, and officials from the Medan City Education Office, as well as through direct observation and document collection. Some strategies to support the program’s sustainability include training and developing teachers’ competencies, improving educational facilities and infrastructure, and collaborating with the private sector to provide technology. These efforts have had a positive impact, especially in improving teachers’ competencies and the quality of learning in primary schools. This shows that the Medan City government’s strategy has significantly contributed to improving the quality of education. However, further support is needed to achieve more equitable results across all primary schools in Medan City.
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How to Cite
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