Analysis of social work competency standards in social welfare institutions in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia
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To improve social welfare, it is essential to ensure that social workers have adequate competency standards. This study analyzes the competency standards of social workers in the Social Welfare Institution of North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and documentation. Research informants include social workers at LKS, beneficiaries, communities, government representatives, and academics. The results showed that social worker competency standards include theoretical knowledge and practical skills in assessment, intervention, case management, counseling, communication, advocacy, and policy understanding. In addition, it was found that existing social worker competencies need to be improved through continuous training to meet local needs and improve service quality. Evaluation using the CIPP model (Context, Input, Process, Product) showed the effectiveness of training and competency development and a positive impact on the quality of services provided. However, the study also identified challenges, such as limited resources and barriers to implementing competency standards. Recommendations for future research include expanding the sample and research area, combining empirical with participatory approaches, and conducting comparative studies among social welfare institutions.
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