Music Gamad: Experiencing the legacy of Portuguese music in Indonesia Roots
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The existence of Gamad music serves as evidence that the Portuguese were once present in Indonesia. This music proves that the Indonesian community has embraced the musical sensibilities of the Portuguese. This study aims to identify and understand the hybridization process that occurs in Gamad music. It employs a qualitative approach. Data were collected through observations, in-depth interviews, and document reviews. Observations were made of Gamad performances in live shows, and recordings were uploaded to YouTube. In-depth interviews were conducted with selected informants, including Gamad musicians and group owners. Document reviews were carried out on online media discussing Gamad music performances. The study found evidence of Portuguese influence in this music, namely (1) the use of displayed musical instruments, (2) the use of diatonic scales, and (3) the performance of the song “Kaparinyo” in every show. The number of songs observed limits this study. It recommends that music or art history researchers conduct more comprehensive research on this music.
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How to Cite
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