The role of cultural element “Dalihan Natolu” in Batak community as the resource of conflict resolution
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The Batak community in North Sumatra, Indonesia, is characterized by its rich cultural heritage, with “Dalihan Natolu” serving as a fundamental principle governing social relations and conflict resolution. This paper explores the role of Dalihan Natolu in Batak society, particularly within the context of conflicts arising from modernization and development projects such as the Lake Toba tourism area. Despite its historical significance, Dalihan Natolu faces challenges in addressing contemporary conflicts, particularly regarding land disputes between the indigenous Sigapiton community and the Lake Toba Authority Implementing Agency (BPODT). This study also aims to analyze BPODT’s crisis communication strategies in handling conflicts with the Sigapiton community and examine the influence of Dalihan Natolu on these communication dynamics. By delving into these issues, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of how cultural traditions intersect with modern challenges, demanding insights into conflict resolution and community cohesion within the Batak society.
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