Local literacy initiatives program as a means of improving communities’ literacy in Indonesia
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The Labuhanbatu District recognizes the pivotal role of literacy in community empowerment and launched the Local Literacy Initiative to address persisting challenges in achieving functional literacy levels. The initiative employs a diverse approach, incorporating adult literacy programs, mobile libraries, community reading groups, and school book drives. This qualitative research, utilizing a case study design with 15 informants, aims to comprehensively understand the initiative's impact on reading abilities, critical thinking skills, and overall community empowerment. Findings indicate positive developments in literacy skills and participant confidence, though challenges in implementation persist. Some argue that the program may not fully meet the diverse needs of different age groups, and access to reliable internet and digital resources remains unequal, particularly in rural areas. Economic constraints hinder accessibility to multi-faceted activities, such as workshops and community reading events. The study emphasizes the importance of designing inclusive literacy programs, considering population diversity, and overcoming access barriers. The insights gained offer guidance for governments and organizations to enhance the effectiveness of literacy initiatives at the community level, stressing the significance of addressing challenges to ensure widespread impact.
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