Experimental test: Contribution of a combined Problem-Based Learning and Studysaster (PBL-S) model in disaster-prone areas and the impact of its implementation

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Khusnul Khotimah
Muhammad Rohmadi


Purpose: The implementation of learning at schools must be able to accommodate the needs of students and always consider the situation and environmental conditions in learning. Implementing the independent curriculum for learning in class VII provides ample space for learning outside the classroom. The disaster situation in Indonesia occurs erratically and comes suddenly, so it takes scenarios and accuracy of learning models appropriate to disaster-prone environments. In addition, other problems, such as students' ability in Indonesian language lessons especially writing news material, are low. Seeing these problems, it is necessary to improve students' ability to write news by applying learning models relevant to the independent curriculum and congruent with disaster-prone conditions in highland areas. One of these learning models is Problem Based Learning and Studysaster (PBL-S) which is directly applied to help students decipher problems and find solutions. This study recommends that teachers to be able to use the PBL-S model in overcoming learning situations in disaster-prone areas.

Approach:  the approach used in this study is quantitative with experimental method. This approach focuses on achieving objectivity, control and accurate measurement. The experimental method was chosen to observe the differences in treatment after applying a model in learning.

Findings: PBL-S provides an accurate picture of the students' and teachers' needs in implementing news text writing materials in disaster-prone areas. It is based on the objectives of the independent learning curriculum applied in class VII junior high school. In addition, the contributions obtained can provide an initial picture related to the occurrence of disasters in the student environment. Information from the text produced by students will be helpful for schools and other parties.

Value: PBL-S is an alternative for teachers to implement innovative learning models according to the needs and situation of the student environment. The relevance of the main point in PBL can make a real contribution to the prevention of sustainable disasters in the school and community environment.


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How to Cite
Khotimah, K., Andayan, & Rohmadi, M. (2024). Experimental test: Contribution of a combined Problem-Based Learning and Studysaster (PBL-S) model in disaster-prone areas and the impact of its implementation. Research Journal in Advanced Humanities, 5(4). https://doi.org/10.58256/4g7pza44

How to Cite

Khotimah, K., Andayan, & Rohmadi, M. (2024). Experimental test: Contribution of a combined Problem-Based Learning and Studysaster (PBL-S) model in disaster-prone areas and the impact of its implementation. Research Journal in Advanced Humanities, 5(4). https://doi.org/10.58256/4g7pza44



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