Post COVID-19 education strategies: Envisaging learning in a post COVID-19 pandemic world
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, learning has metamorphosed rapidly as never envisaged before. Accordingly, lessons learnt as a result of the pandemic will influence and shape the future of learning and assessment as the pandemic has brought about a unique opportunity to actualise changes in the education sub-sector that had hitherto been proposed but never really implemented until the pandemic struck, catching the vast majority of educational systems unawares. Notably, the COVID-19 pandemic led to worldwide closure of institutions of learning, leaving educators and learners’ to undertake learning in completely different modes, situations and locations. Consequently, remote learning was offered without much preparation and in some cases, without prior digital experience. This article, thus, explores education during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors attempt to envisage education in a post COVID-19 world in light of the changes made as the pandemic raged. It is, thus, hoped that education and assessment post COVID-19 will be enhanced by the lessons learnt during the pandemic and will remain global, innovative, digital, student centred, personalised and practical.

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How to Cite
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