Examining the challenges faced by head teachers on Social Justice Education in Dagoretti South Sub-County primary schools
This study sought to examine challenges of social justice education (SJE) among primary school head teachers in Dagoretti South Sub-county. Consequently, the study sought to understand how head teachers translate these challenges to meaningful decisions. The study adopted a qualitative approach to data collection and analysis. A target population of 132 schools (113 private and 19 public) was considered. A purposive sampling, through key informant sampling method was employed and 12 participants were selected based on specific school variables of interest to the study. Data was collected using interviews after which it was coded, analysed and summarized in themes with the aid of MAXQDA 2020 software. The findings showed that primary school head teachers faced a myriad of challenges related to SJE. Though they addressed the emerging issues, they showed elements of insufficiency due to the complexities compounded in the matter. There is no direct, simple and clear panacea to SJE challenges. Eliminating SJE issues is an ongoing struggle that requires joint efforts of many stakeholders. The authors recommend education stakeholders to adopt a collective SJE solution bargain that will provide lasting solutions to the problem. Further, the authors recommend a longitudinal study to explore the factors that contribute to the achievement of SJE in schools.
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