Evaluation of the effects of human activities on water resources in Masaba North, Nyamira County
anthropogenic activities, catchment area, water conservation, water resource, water cycleAbstract
Water is essential to sustain life and a satisfactory supply must be available to all. But, access to sufficient amounts of clean water has been recognized as the critical resource problem in the 21st century. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of human activities on water resources in Masaba North, Nyamira County. This study adopted a descriptive research design with both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The target population was 27913 households that live on catchment areas in Masaba North namely: Kiabonyoru, Keroka and Kianungu and along valleys of main rivers namely Gucha, Kenyamuchwachwa and Kenyamware. The study also targeted the department water officials of Nyamira County. The sample size of the study was 381 household heads. The study used interview schedules, questionnaires, observation and photography to collect primary data. Data collected by the use of questionnaires and interview schedules was analyzed using thematic analysis. The results were presented using line and bar graphs, tables and pie charts. Photographs taken were displayed and explanations given. The findings showed that all households unanimously agreed that sand harvesting along river and stream banks makes the waters turbid and murky, discharge of untreated waste domestic water, washing and bathing in rivers and streams, pollutes water. The findings of the study will be beneficial to the Nyamira residents and water department in Kenya.
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