Hate speech against female public figures in Indonesia: natural semantic metalanguage analysis in social media discourse

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Fatimah Sari Siregar
Amrin Saragih
Rahmadsyah Rangkuti


This study explores the occurrence of Hate Speech (HS) in Indonesian social media discourse, specifically targeting prominent public figures, including Sri Mulyani (SM), Najwa Shihab (NS), and Agnez Monica (AM). Using a Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) analysis, the research identifies various forms of HS expressed through verbal actions such as menghina, menyindir, mencela, memaki, menistakan, mengejek, menghasut, mengancam, menuduh, memfitnah, each manifesting through distinct illocutionary acts. These acts appeared within several illocutionary frameworks under several polysemy: Say/Know, Say/Feel, Say/Think, Say/Happen, Say/Do, Say/Say, which exhibit the lines between different types of HS. The findings underscore that both HS have a close meaning to each other, and it may be difficult to realize since it requires a deep analysis. Thus, it is essential to raise awareness about the fine distinctions in HS to protect both social media users and public figures from harm, especially in the context of the complex dynamics of online communication in Indonesia. Moreover, the analysis suggests that while social media provides a platform for open discourse, it also presents significant challenges in distinguishing harmful speech, emphasizing how the public and legal authorities often overlook or misinterpret HS, incredibly gendered and professional-based comments.


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How to Cite
Siregar, F. S., Mulyadi, M., Saragih, A., & Rangkuti, R. (2025). Hate speech against female public figures in Indonesia: natural semantic metalanguage analysis in social media discourse. Research Journal in Advanced Humanities, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.58256/nw6ysq87

How to Cite

Siregar, F. S., Mulyadi, M., Saragih, A., & Rangkuti, R. (2025). Hate speech against female public figures in Indonesia: natural semantic metalanguage analysis in social media discourse. Research Journal in Advanced Humanities, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.58256/nw6ysq87



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