Political Artifacts from the Jakarta International Stadium as Local Leadership Impression Management
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The Jakarta International Stadium building artifacts are used as political buildings by several political actors involved in development planning to gain public support. The study aims to demonstrate how the Jakarta International Stadium's political artifacts shape Anies Baswedan's impression management. This study employs a qualitative approach based on Discourse Network Analysis. Four Twitter posts on the development of the Jakarta International Stadium were used as the data source. The study shows that managing formed impressions creates negative and positive sentiments by bringing up nine dominant discourses. Religious Discourse, Leadership, Presidential Candidates, and Development Performance all left a favorable impression. At the same time, issues such as health, image, happiness index, leadership, presidential candidates, sports, and others cast a negative light. First, three social effects will boost Anies popularity by introducing modern technology to the younger generation. Second, provide a variety of worship facilities for the majority group. Third, minority groups cater to the needs of people with disabilities by experiencing the splendor of the Jakarta International Stadium. This study also demonstrates that the construction of the Jakarta International Stadium can have political qualities because of the stimulus to regulate the pattern of power and authority so that it has public acceptance flexibility.
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