Integration of populism and military background in local politics: A case study of the 2018 North Sumatra gubernatorial election
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The phenomenon of Islamic populism has become a decisive factor in Indonesian elections, significantly influencing local political dynamics and voter decisions. This research analyzes the phenomenon of populism and the role of candidates with military backgrounds in the 2018 North Sumatra Governor Election. Using a qualitative approach and exploratory case study method, this research explores how populist narratives and military background contributed to the victory of Edy Rahmayadi and Musa Rajekshah. Data were collected through literature study, in-depth interviews, and field observations, and then analyzed qualitatively. The results show that the Eramas campaign successfully utilized populist narratives by emphasizing religious identity and regionalism and leveraged Edy Rahmayadi’s charisma and military influence to gain significant support. The research also examines the political implications of populism and military involvement in the democratic process. The findings provide insights into the dynamics of local politics in Indonesia and the contribution of populism and military background in influencing election outcomes. As such, this research adds to the understanding of how populist narratives and military attributes can be effectively used in political campaigns at the regional level.
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