Social network analysis of digital volunteer on #GunungLawu hashtag of X application

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Rizky Fauziah
Iskandar Zulkarnain
Lusiana Andriani Lubis


This study aims to discover the role of disaster digital volunteers in the forest and land fires of a volcano in Indonesia named Gunung Lawu. They used the hashtag #GunungLawu through the social media Application X. This research method uses a quantitative method of crawling the hashtag data using the NodeXL Application. The population in this study was 1000 tweets using hashtag #GunungLawu from October 1, 2023, to October 25, 2023, and the sample obtained in crawling data and processing data was 834 actors (nodes). The theories used in this study are social network analysis, digital volunteer and social media. The results showed that accounts @jelajahi_idn level centrality actors have the highest level of popularity, @jelajahi_idn accounts are proximity centrality actors that have a close distance between one actor and another, @jelajahi_idn actors are intermediary centrality actors who are communication liaison actors on different communication networks, and @jelajahi_idn actors are eigenvector centrality actors who are essential in the network communication with other actors. The disaster digital volunteer proved their role could fill the information gap, which formal information from the government account or any formal information source could not be provided. 


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How to Cite
Fauziah, R., Zulkarnain, I., Humaizi, & Lubis, L. A. . (2024). Social network analysis of digital volunteer on #GunungLawu hashtag of X application. Research Journal in Advanced Humanities, 5(3).

How to Cite

Fauziah, R., Zulkarnain, I., Humaizi, & Lubis, L. A. . (2024). Social network analysis of digital volunteer on #GunungLawu hashtag of X application. Research Journal in Advanced Humanities, 5(3).



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