Examining the adaptation of Batak customs in response to social change: An assessment of the presence of Sahala and character traits

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Riris Johanna Siagian


All customs and cultures are comprised of values that result from thought, reason, and the creations of a society. This shows that customs and cultures are dynamic and constantly changing. The higher the culture of a society, the higher the level of civilization within that society. This applies to all types of cultures around the world. In Batak land, Batak customs emphasize that all human life is united with the cosmos, where Mulajadi na Bolon, God resides. Customs involve patterns of behaviour that are carried out in obedience to the worshiped God from birth to death. However, Batak customs have experienced changes due to social dynamics that have occurred among the Batak people. In this case, the role of sahala is highly significant. The most important aspect of Batak customs is that they are related to rules and laws that must be followed to maintain harmony. Batak customs and culture are found among the Batak people in North Sumatra, Indonesia. This article employs a qualitative research methodology that prioritizes valid data for the various questions posed. The perspective of the Theology of Religions, specifically Olaf H. Schumann's theory, underpins the approach of this paper. The theory utilized refers to Clifford Geertz, who viewed religion as a symbolic system. The sociological theories of Weber and Berger are employed to examine the reality of society. Siagian's summary of the concept of sahala, which refers to a superior character, is also discussed. The discussion and analysis involve presenting new and earlier references, taking their validity seriously and considering them to strengthen the topic at hand.


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How to Cite
Siagian, R. J. (2024). Examining the adaptation of Batak customs in response to social change: An assessment of the presence of Sahala and character traits. Research Journal in Advanced Humanities, 5(3). https://doi.org/10.58256/feze7416
Author Biography

Riris Johanna Siagian, Sekolah Tinggi Theologia HKBP Pematangsiantar

Riris Johanna Siagian is a Doctor of Theology and a lecturer in Theology of Religions and also Chairperson of the STT-HKBP Postgraduate Theology Study Program. She is also a researcher and Chairperson of the Indonesian Institute for Religious Studies and Character Education (L-SAPIKA INDONESIA). In 2021, she has written a number of books including: Sahala for Leaders (2016), Church and Power (2016), Religion Spirituality, Church and Society (Congregation Services, 2018) Presenting a Friendly Church (2018), Theological Context (2021), Human Character (2021), Sahala Theology (2021, Humans and the Power of the Spirit (2023), Religion and Culture (2024), and a number of national journals and international

How to Cite

Siagian, R. J. (2024). Examining the adaptation of Batak customs in response to social change: An assessment of the presence of Sahala and character traits. Research Journal in Advanced Humanities, 5(3). https://doi.org/10.58256/feze7416



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