Navigating the digital age: Social networking sites and the protection of freedom of expression

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Anas Abdel Rahman


As social network sites (SNSs), where such self-expression and connection are available to an extent that exceeds anything known to humans, came into existence, social communication has gone through a pivotal change. Against this backdrop, though, the rise of digital communication has raised many concerns over the liberty of opinion in the Internet sphere. This paper will scrutinize the tricky issue of where freedom of expression and social networking services have to intercept, analyze the challenges, and create room for available options through social networking platforms. This course falls strongly on legal analysis, case studies, and ethical considerations designed to unravel the fine line between the digital age and humans’ fundamental rights that individuals and government officials carefully uphold. It scrutinizes the historical transmogrification of SMS, laws regulating virtual expression, and the ethical quandaries that are produced. Adopting the challenges confronted by the system, which include content moderation, misinformation, and privacy breaches, the paper pinpoints the necessity of defending free expression. It comes with strategic moves that focus mainly on strengthening legal protections, improving digital literacy, and promoting responsible posting.


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Rahman, A. A. . (2024). Navigating the digital age: Social networking sites and the protection of freedom of expression. Research Journal in Advanced Humanities, 5(3).

How to Cite

Rahman, A. A. . (2024). Navigating the digital age: Social networking sites and the protection of freedom of expression. Research Journal in Advanced Humanities, 5(3).


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