Gender inequality in Indonesian Dangdut songs containing vulgar content: A critical discourse study
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Dangdut music is a highly popular genre in Indonesia. It serves not only as entertainment but also reflects the social reality of Indonesia through its lyrics, often depicting everyday life stories. Some Indonesian Dangdut song lyrics frequently exhibit gender inequality, perpetuating stereotypical views on gender roles by portraying women as sexual objects or passive, while men are often depicted as dominant figures. This research aims to explain gender inequality in the lyrics of well-known Dangdut songs in Indonesia. The research methodology employed is qualitative descriptive research. Data collection techniques include observation and note-taking. The research data consists of lyrics containing words, phrases, and sentences that represent gender inequality. Data analysis techniques involve content analysis and focus group discussions. The findings of this research contribute to the fields of linguistics, gender equality, and language use in song lyrics. The results indicate that explicit Dangdut song lyrics convey gender inequality between men and women. The subject-object and writer-reader positions are evident in portraying actors in the lyrics. Men are characterized powerful and actively engaged, while women are portrayed as sexual objects, obedient, passive, and accepting anything. The writer's position is that of a song creator observing societal phenomena, while the reader's position is that of music listeners, representing society. Ultimately, this research can provide insights for songwriters, singers, and stakeholders in the music industry regarding the potential impact of lyrics that create or reinforce gender inequality. This may encourage the adoption of more inclusive and gender-aware creation practices.
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How to Cite
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