The vitality of Malay Language in North Sumatera, Indonesia
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This study aims to describe the vitality level of the Malay language in North Sumatra. This study used a sociolinguistic approach, and quantitative and qualitative data analysis was carried out. Data analysis uses UNESCO references to measure the vitality level of a language. Data were obtained through a questionnaire to 165 respondents and analyzed using a Likert scale. The results show that the level of vitality of the Malay language in North Sumatra is experiencing a decline. This is associated with several findings, namely in terms of transmission, it is in grade 3: threatened with extinction; dwindling number of native speakers; the proportion of speakers is at grade 2: critically endangered; realm of use conditions at grade 3: shrinking realm; the condition of the new domain and media is included in grade 1: minimal; the condition of the availability of teaching materials and literacy is on scale 2: the condition of speakers’ attitudes is on scale 4: indicating that almost all speakers are supportive of maintaining their language; and finally the documentation condition is in category 3: moderate. So, the vitality of the Malay Language is declining.
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