Sociopragmatic Study of Javanese Oral Discourse in Big City Communities as an Effort to Maintain Indigenous Language

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Muhammad Rohmadi
Memet Sudaryanto
Dias Andris Susanto
Kundharu Saddhono
Aldi Dwi Saputra


This research delves into the sociopragmatic intricacies of Javanese oral discourse within urban communities, focusing on the role of language in preserving the indigenous Javanese language amidst the pressures of urbanization and language shift. As urbanization accelerates, traditional languages like Javanese face the risk of diminishing usage and cultural significance. This study aims to elucidate how urban Javanese speakers employ their native language in various communicative contexts, examining the sociopragmatic factors that influence language choice and language use patterns. The findings of this research contribute to the fields of sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, and language preservation. By shedding light on the sociopragmatic dimensions of language use, the study provides a nuanced understanding of how urban Javanese speakers navigate linguistic diversity and negotiate their cultural identity. This research emphasizes recognizing and supporting indigenous languages within urban settings as communication vehicles and cultural heritage and identity repositories. Ultimately, the study's outcomes can inform language revitalization initiatives and policy-making efforts to foster the enduring presence of Javanese within the rapidly changing landscape of urban communities.


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How to Cite
Rohmadi, M., Sudaryanto, M., Andris Susanto, D., Saddhono, K., & Saputra, A. D. (2023). Sociopragmatic Study of Javanese Oral Discourse in Big City Communities as an Effort to Maintain Indigenous Language. Research Journal in Advanced Humanities, 4(4).

How to Cite

Rohmadi, M., Sudaryanto, M., Andris Susanto, D., Saddhono, K., & Saputra, A. D. (2023). Sociopragmatic Study of Javanese Oral Discourse in Big City Communities as an Effort to Maintain Indigenous Language. Research Journal in Advanced Humanities, 4(4).


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