On the focus strategies in Akan
This paper examines the focus strategies in Akan, a Kwa language of the Niger-Congo family, within the framework of the Minimalist Programme (MP). The aim is to revisit the two focus strategies in Akan (i.e., ex-situ and in-situ focus strategies). Akan focus constructions have received considerable attention in the extant literature; however, none of these works paid particular attention to the in-situ focus strategy attested in the language. Also, linguists working on Akan focus constructions hardly agree on what the focus markers in the language are. The data for the study were collected through introspective approach and informant method. With ample and illuminating data, the study revealed that both the in-situ and ex-situ focus strategies are attested in Akan. In addition, it was established that the particles nà, né, and á can be considered as the real focus markers in Akan. However, the particle dèɛ̀ cannot be considered as a focus marker, contrary to the claims by some of the linguists working on Akan focus constructions (see, for instance, Boadi, 1974; Saah, 1998; Marfo, 2005).
Keywords: Akan, focus strategies, in-situ, ex-situ, focus markers, the Minimalist Programme

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How to Cite
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