In support of Ghanaian English: Probing the significance of Ahulu’s "How Ghanaian is Ghanaian English? (2008)”
Ghanaian, (new, native) English, codification, Ahulu, KachruAbstract
Over the last four decades, the debate as to whether there is a variety of English in use that can be called Ghanaian still rages on. This article re-assesses Ahulu’s ‘How Ghanaian is Ghanaian English?’ with the aim of re-establishing the notion of the uniqueness of Ghanaian English. The article widens the argument to include the generality of ‘New Englishes’ so that the call for codification for its legality and validity will serve the purpose. It also calls for more scholarly works to support the acceptability and indigenization of Ghanaian English. The study should inform people with interest in Ghanaian English, new Englishes, language teachers, and policy makers to focus on the codification objective.
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