Conception, animation and evaluation of didactic sequences based on written production activities in the FFL class in Bungoma County
This study focuses on the design, animation and evaluation of written production activities in the FFL classroom. The little research done on the teaching of composition writing in French in Kenya reveals that learners have serious difficulties expressing themselves in written French. The study was guided by the Project Pedagogy theory, inspired by John Dewey and based on organized action towards a specific goal, while actively engaging the learner in the acquisition of knowledge. The study was analytical and descriptive in nature, combining non-participant class observations, questionnaire survey and documentary analysis. Our sample consisted of 12 teachers of French from 2 national schools and 10 extra-county schools in Bungoma purposively selected. Data from lesson preparation sheets were subjected to content analysis, of classic type. Those resulting from the observations of the lessons were recorded, transcribed using Gardin’s transcription code and presented in tables and graphs for their interpretation. The study confirmed that teachers of FFL plan their written production lessons, follow a three-step process during these lessons: introduction, development, and conclusion, and evaluate the written productions of their learners based on certain criteria. The results of this study could be useful to trainers of trainers, foreign language teachers and the Ministry of Education with the aim of improving teaching programs and practices.

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How to Cite
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