Gains from pains: Paradox of post-traumatic growth in Chimeka Garricks’ Tomorrow Died Yesterday
The conventional argument of many literary critics, sociologists and psychologists is that traumatic events leave their victims in a continuing state of inaction, hopelessness, fragility, melancholia and despondency. However, following the arguments of postcolonial trauma critics, this study demonstrates that while trauma can exert its weakening effects on individuals and communities, it can also lead to some transformational benefits. This study is carried out within the ambit of Niger Delta literature, since the literary tradition expresses a high level of crude oil-induced trauma. Chimeka Garricks Tomorrow Died Yesterday is purposely adopted and analysed in line with Richard Tedeschi and Lawrence Calhouns notion of posttraumatic growth. The study shows that despite the crippling effects of oil-induced trauma on Amaibi, he later exhibits positive and beneficial corollaries of trauma such as an increase in wisdom, stronger relationship with his wife, spiritual awakening, an improved sense of morality and psychic resilience.

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How to Cite
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