Colonial Subjugation and Power Appropriation in Yvonne Vera’s Works
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In spite of continuous research on colonial subjugation and power appropriation, little investigation has been carried out to interrogate the impact of colonialism on African men and how their narratives frame the lived experiences of the women in their societies on Vyonne Vera's works. This study focusses on how men's desire for power and control has forced them to try and conquer, subjugate, dominate and oppress women. Further, the study interrogates how the colonial laws edge the African man from the patriarchal power centre and how they project their frustrations and bitterness on women. This study therefore employed feminist and Mitchell Foucault’s thoughts on power in order to elucidate how the colonial disempowerment of African men forces them to vent their anger on women. The study found out that as men struggle to gain their patriarchal glory, they use repressive patriarchal policies and laws to subdue the weaker female characters whereby they end up destroying women as well as themselves. Further, the study reveals that in spite of the patriarchal injustices on women, men fails to gain their patriarchal glory.
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