Using SQ3R to improve KPCE demonstration junior high students’ reading ability of expository texts

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Henry Kwao Ayitey
Margaret Nyaniba Baiden


This study investigated how effective the SQ3R technique could be used in improving Kibi (KPCE) Demonstration Junior High students’ reading ability of expository texts. Using the simple random sampling, 45 students were selected to study the baseline performance of the students in reading comprehension, a pre-test was conducted after which twelve students were taught the intervention comprehension lessons using the SQ3R reading strategy.  A post-test was also conducted after the intervention to see whether there was an improvement in the performance of the students.  SPSS statistical software was used to calculate the mean value of both tests. The study discovered that p value p<0.05 and df=44, the ‘t’ value for the two means for matched groups was 6.7. This means that students’ performance in the post-test was much better than in the pre-test. This performance therefore was attributed to the intervention used. The study concluded that SQ3R is a better strategy for improving junior high students’ reading comprehension ability of expository texts; hence it should be encouraged in teaching comprehension.


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How to Cite
Ayitey, H. K., & Baiden, M. N. (2020). Using SQ3R to improve KPCE demonstration junior high students’ reading ability of expository texts. Nairobi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(4), 15-30.

How to Cite

Ayitey, H. K., & Baiden, M. N. (2020). Using SQ3R to improve KPCE demonstration junior high students’ reading ability of expository texts. Nairobi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(4), 15-30.


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