Examining the Requisite Measures to Achieve Peace in the Alavanyo-Nkonya Conflict Area
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This essay examined the requisite measures to achieve peace not only in the study area but in the world over. It argues that long-term peacebuilding techniques are designed to fill the existing gaps in peacekeeping and to address the underlying substantive issues that brought about conflict. Thus, various transformation techniques aim to move parties away from confrontation and violence, and towards political and economic participation, peaceful relationships, and social harmony (Doyle, 2006). This longer-term perspective is crucial to future violence prevention and the promotion of a more peaceful future. Thinking about the future involves articulating desirable structural, systemic, and relationship goals. These might include sustainable economic development, self-sufficiency, equitable social structures that meet human needs and building positive relationships (Laderach, 1977). The findings concluded that the most effective measure to undertake in peace requires cooperation between partners involved in the peacebuilding process. Aside from that, it may be argued that a multi-track approach is required. Thus, various stakeholders involved in the peace process should work cooperatively.
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How to Cite
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