Influence of strategic management practices on organizational performance of humanitarian non-governmental organizations in Kenya: Case of refugee consortium of Kenya
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The study sought to analyze the influence of strategy formulation, performance evaluation, strategy implementation, and stakeholder engagement on the organizational performance of Refugee Consortium of Kenya. The study was grounded on resource based view theory, behavioral theory of the firm and stakeholder theory. The study adopted descriptive design to demystify the effect of strategic management practices on sustainable performance. The study target population comprised 48 management employees from Refugee Consortium. Census approach used to select the sample population. Structured questionnaires were used to gather primary data from the respondents upon which final data analysis was performed. Findings revealed that strategy formulation, performance evaluation, strategy implementation and stakeholder engagement all had positive significant influence on the organizational performance of Refugee Consortium. Recommendation for robust measures to be undertaken to provide leeway of incorporating organization concerns during strategy formulation in the organization not only in RCK. On performance evaluation, the study recommended for incorporation of strategic control measures, performance monitoring tools and key KPIs to enable them address issues that may hinder them from aligning themselves to their strategic purpose.
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How to Cite
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