Influence of political environment on county integrated development plan policy implementation in Kericho County Government


Sharon Chepngeti’ch Mibey
Wycliffe Nyachoti Otiso
George Nyandoro


This study sought to examine the influence of environmental capacity on implementation of County Integrated Development Plans of Kericho County Government. The study was anchored on the resource-based view, new public management theory and game theory. The target population of the study was 74 County Executive Committee members, County secretary, Chief Officers, Ward administrators, Sub-County administrators, Departmental finance officers from 10 departments and Project managers working in the county government of Kericho. A census approach was used to collect data due to the small size of the target population. Primary data was obtained using questionnaires and data was also sourced from relevant documents on implementation of the County Integrated Development Plans. The study found that the political, economic, and technological environment had a positive statistically significant influence on implementing County Integrated Development Plans of the Kericho County Government. To improve effectiveness and efficiency, the county government should pass legislation to curtail governance malpractices, adopt emerging technologies to enhance revenue collection, source financial resources from international development partners, and improve technology usage in service delivery to improve efficiency and citizen satisfaction. The findings will be of importance to policymakers and implementers for efficient policy implementation, the county governments, and academicians and scholars for reference and for carrying out studies on the related area.




How to Cite
Mibey, S. C., Otiso, W. N., & Nyandoro, G. (2023). Influence of political environment on county integrated development plan policy implementation in Kericho County Government. Research Journal in Advanced Social Sciences, 4(1), 1-13.

How to Cite

Mibey, S. C., Otiso, W. N., & Nyandoro, G. (2023). Influence of political environment on county integrated development plan policy implementation in Kericho County Government. Research Journal in Advanced Social Sciences, 4(1), 1-13.



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