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Part of Royallite Global, Research Journal in Advanced Sciences publishes peer-reviewed research in all areas of the biological, physical, chemical, computational and molecular sciences. It encourages interdisciplinary research, fosters an environment for cross disciplinary research connections and also accepts a range of article types including reviews, short communications and replication studies. Through open access publishing, our aim is to bring research and knowledge to the widest possible audience.
Research Journal in Advanced Sciences’s expert international editorial board take an objective and constructive approach to peer review, assessing papers on their scientific soundness and validity. The journal accepts all research outcomes, both positive and negative. Article-level metrics allow the research to be assessed on its own merit.
Publishing with us means you will receive fast and reliable publishing and a global platform for your research to reach its full potential.
Online ISSN: 2709-281X
Print ISSN: 2709-2801