Effects of drugs and substance on conduct disorder among the young offenders in Shikusa Borstal Institution, Kenya


  • Edward Ngubo Moracha Department of Psychology, Kisii University, Kenya
  • Michael Mbiriri Department of Psychology, Kisii University, Kenya
  • Sophia Bironga Department of Psychology, Kisii University, Kenya


drugs and substance, conduct disorder, young offenders


The main aim of the study was to assess the effects of drugs and substance on conduct disorder among the young offenders in Shikusa Borstal Institution. The study adopted a descriptive design. The target population was 248, simple random and census sampling methods were applied to select 92 respondents as the sample size. Primary data was gathered through closed-ended questionnaires. Descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were utilized to analyze quantitative data while verbatim accounts were used for qualitative data. The results were presented using tables and figures. The study established that Proximity of substance and drugs has made easier for young offenders to access them with highest mean of (2.7204), drop out school had the lowest mean of (2.1290). These findings indicated that the ease at which young offenders access drugs and substance has increased the consumption rate among young offenders hence increasing their numbers in Shikusa Borstal institution. The study found out that drug and substance had positive and a significant effect on conduct disorder among young offenders, hence a unit change in Drug and substance resulting to a significant positive change on conduct disorder among young offenders. Further, the study offers suggestive evidence that Substance and drug abuse had a positive but weak correlation with conduct disorder.

Author Biographies

  • Edward Ngubo Moracha, Department of Psychology, Kisii University, Kenya

    Edward Ngubo Moracha is a student in the department of psychology, school of arts and social sciences. He holds MA in counseling psychology from United States International University (USIU), bachelor of psychology (counseling) from the University of Nairobi, Diploma in Education, Kagumo teachers College; he is currently working at the department of psychology, Kisii university as a tutorial fellow, and practicing psychologist.

  • Michael Mbiriri, Department of Psychology, Kisii University, Kenya

    Edward Ngubo Moracha is a student in the department of psychology, school of arts and social sciences. He holds MA in counseling psychology from United States International University (USIU), bachelor of psychology (counseling) university of Nairobi, Diploma in Education, Kagumo teachers College; he is currently working at the department of psychology, Kisii university as a tutorial fellow, and practicing psychologist My supervisors in the thesis are, Dr. Michael Mbiriri, lecturer in the Department of psychology, Kisii University, Dr .Sophia Moraa Bironga, lecturer in the Department of Psychology, Kisii University.

  • Sophia Bironga, Department of Psychology, Kisii University, Kenya

    Dr. Sophia Moraa Bironga, lecturer in the Department of Psychology, Kisii University, Kenya


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How to Cite

Effects of drugs and substance on conduct disorder among the young offenders in Shikusa Borstal Institution, Kenya. (2021). Hybrid Journal of Psychology, 2(1). https://royalliteglobal.com/psychology/article/view/617