Perception of the effectiveness of ICT-ELT integration during the COVID-19 pandemic in English Language Classes in Ghana
The transition from face-to-face to online education during the COVID-19 pandemic has sparked the need to integrate robust and dependable Information and Communication Technology in teaching and learning. Furthermore, in recent years, ICT has emerged as the most significant instrument in the educational context. Despite the transition, only 10% of instructors in Ghana recognises the usefulness of ICT integration in teaching during and even post pandemic. It is based on these findings that this study sought to investigate instructors’ perception in ICT-ELT integration. The empirical data were gathered using a descriptive and quantitative study approach, using an online questionnaire distributed to 100 primary and secondary school teachers. The findings demonstrated that the majority of English instructors had a favorable opinion of incorporating ICT owing to its efficacy. The relevance of stakeholders and government’s assistance in fostering ICT-based teaching and learning was highlighted as quite critical in providing technical support for English instructors.

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