Sociolinguistic variables involved in making requests among the Anlos
The purpose of this study is to investigate different sociolinguistic variables involved in making requests found among Anlo conversational participants in natural settings. The study employs qualitative research design. The population for this study is from three out of the thirty-six indigenous Anlo towns. In all, thirty-six respondents made up of children (aged between 9 and 14 years), youth (aged between 15 and 39 years) and the elderly (aged from 40 years and above) were selected from the three sites. The data collection instruments used for this study are observation, interview, role play and the use of discourse completion tests (D.C.Ts). From the discussions above, it can be seen that socio-linguistic variables of GRAPD are very necessary and are given much consideration when request is to be performed in Anlo. The analysis revealed that both the requester and the requestee consider the Gender, Rank, Age, Power or Distance that exists between them (the interlocutors). All these social variables affect request making in one way or the other among the Anlos. It is the social variables that the requester considers before making his or her request. The requestee also considers these social variables before considering granting or refusing the request.
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How to Cite
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