A critical semiotic analysis of Amiso Thwango’s song “Nitie Nyako Moro”
aesthetics, dualism, narratology, semiotics, teleologyAbstract
This is a study of a Luo popular song track entitled Nitiere Nyako Moro (There is a Certain Girl) by Amiso Thwango. The objectives of the study are to demonstrate the aesthetic effects in music; identify instances of gender discrimination among the Luo society and to analyse the song as a literary narrative. Through qualitative method, the song was transcribed, translated and critically analysed. The investigation was conducted following structuralist and narratological theories. Where necessary, the entailed signs and symbols were given semiotic interpretations. Broad narrative structures were identified and examined in order to bring forth their creative significance in the text. The study revealed that the Ohangla musician used signs, symbolism and metaphors as motifs that emphasized how beautiful Akoth is. Moreover, the musician employed divergent linguistic and literary techniques to make music a creative art exhibiting fictional features of the narrative. Through this song, a complete story that develops characters that grow in attitude from naive infatuation with the love for Akoth to mature appreciation that love is perceived as something that can impair one’s judgement and can therefore not be trusted is brought to perspective.
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