Overview, statistics, clinical management and impact of Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Kenya up to 20/05/2020
Background: The 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) was first announced in Wuhan, China and was regarded as a worldwide security threat. As of 20th May 2020, there were 5,083,411 cases and 329,239 deaths reported by 212 nations. Kenya has affirmed 1029 cases, 50 fatalities and 366 recoveries since the Government of Kenya (GoK) confirmed its first COVID-19 case on 12th March 2020.
Objective: This short communication aimed to discuss the overview, statistics, clinical management and impact of COVID-19 in Kenya.
Method: The Ministry of Health (MOH) has executed border screening, activated laboratories in Namanga, Wajir and Busia, enacted multi-agency teams and the Nyumba Kumi initiative as key strategies to curb COVID-19 spread. Of the 47 Counties, 26 confirmed COVID-19 cases with 496 (48.2%) and 316 (35.1%) cases registered in Nairobi and Mombasa. Thus, within these counties, the MOH has launched mass testing at hot spots. To report cases and mental health issues, respectively, the Government introduced toll-free lines such as 719 and 1199. Here the data presented is from government agencies and media houses and focuses on statistics, prevention, clinical management, quarantine centers, donations and impact of COVID-19.
Results & Conclusion: As of 20/05/2020, the Government had screened 49,405 individuals with test kits in 20 approved laboratories and screening is still ongoing. Such data are first of their kind for the correspondence and save for future knowledge and coherent verification.

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How to Cite
Yan-Rong G, Qing-Dong C, Zhong-Si H, Yuan-Yang T, Shou-Deng C, Hong-Jun J, et al. The origin, transmission and clinical therapies on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak – an update on the status. BMC. 2020;7(11). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40779-020-00240-0
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