Examining the relationship between emotional intelligence and decision-making on social justice by headteachers in Dagoretti South Sub-Sounty
Leadership is a complex area of education experienced by school head teachers in Dagoretti South sub-county. This paper focuses on head teachers’ self-assessment of their emotional intelligence (EI) as a factor in decision-making regarding social justice education (SJE) in the learning sector. To achieve this, the paper carried out a study that employed a quantitative correlation research design. The investigation targeted both public and private primary school head teachers. They represent the effect of decision-making on a population of 43,568 learners. A total of 132 primary schools were targeted, where the census sampling technique was used. Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale (SEIS) and Proactive Decision-Making (PDM) tools were used to collect data. Statistical analysis was conducted using the SPSS software version 20. The findings showed that emotional intelligence affects decision-making on social justice education issues. The study concluded that, there is a positive correlation between emotional intelligence and decision-making. This implied that in their self-assessment effort, school head teachers with high emotional intelligence components demonstrated personal and professional abilities for social change. The study recommends that education policy makers could relate EI development to good leadership and decision-making.
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