The dialectic of Zakat thought for victims of violence against women and children: A study of the views of religious figures in Ponorogo
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The distribution of Zakat to victims of violence against women and children is a new idea in which the law requires profound interpretation and even the existence of contemporary Ijtihad. This new phenomenon has received mixed responses from various Islamic law experts, as in Ponorogo, which experienced quite a lot of dynamics. This research aims to explore responses to the phenomenon of zakat for victims of sexual violence from religious leaders and community organizations Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah. To explore responses to the phenomenon of zakat for victims of sexual violence, researchers conducted phenomenological qualitative research with a field approach. The data source from this research is religious figures in the Ponorogo region. In-depth interview techniques with all research subjects regarding responses to the phenomenon of zakat to victims of sexual violence collected data. In this study, it can be concluded that the paradigm of NU and Muhammadiyah Ponorogo Ulama in responding to zakat to victims of sexual violence is divided into three. Rigid-textual paradigm, eclectic-textual paradigm, and contextual-maqashid sharia paradigm. This research can be a reference for the community in distributing zakat, which is more humanist.
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How to Cite
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